
Breakfast & You

It’s well known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It fuels you up and gets you ready to go, giving you strength and energy for the rest of the day.

After a long night’s sleep, breakfast is the body’s first chance to refuel its energy levels. The brain needs energy to be able to function so that you are ready for the day ahead.

Ensuring that your children eat breakfast every morning will help them to feel alert and improve their mood. Skipping breakfast can leave you and your family feeling tired, restless or irritable and off to a poor school day.

MarcoMio cereals are fortified with 8 vitamins and iron - each bowl provides approximately 30% of essential vitamins and iron based on am average adult's intake. Research shows that kids who eat a good breakfast perform better in school and are healthier.

A good breakfast kick starts your metabolism in the morning, helping you to burn fat. Eating breakfast means you are less likely to be hungry during the rest of the day and therefore, less likely to overeat, helping to keep your weight under control.

Give your family a great start to the day!


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